2022 AIP Summit: January 3-9

I have exciting news! I will once again be a featured speaker at the upcoming 2022 AIP Summit. My presentation is titled Improving Relationships for AIP Success. I will share five things you can do to improve your relationships this week! I will also discuss why improving your relationships can help you be more successful on your AIP journey. This video can help you whether you are struggling with toxic relationships from your childhood, or you’d like to have the people you live and eat with be more supportive of your AIP goals, or you need to build up your support network of friends and professionals who can help you manage your stress.
My talk and the other sessions will all be available for you to watch for free, thanks to the generous support of our business sponsors.
Learn more and reserve your free seat at the virtual summit TODAY! Click here to reserve your free seat: https://www.aipsummit.com/a/2147500405/BkE5BhG7